Jefferson Union High School District
Educational excellence through equity!
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Site COVID Leads
If a student tests positive, we encourage them to report this absence to their school's attendance office AND contact their site's COVID lead:
*Jefferson High School, Vice Principal Cesar Vega, (650) 550-7784
*Oceana High School, Vice Principal Jose Campos, (650) 550-7301
*Terra Nova High School, Vice Principal (650) 550-7674
*Thornton High School, Principal Dennie Marenco, (650) 550-7843
*Westmoor High School, Vice Principal Sterling He, (650) 550-7472
*Adult Programs, Principal Mark Beshirs, (650) 550-7874
*District Office Staff, District Nurse Mark Pascale, (650) 550-7864
*Bus Garage, Maintenance Director Marcus Peppers, (650) 550-7582