Science Department

  •  Welcome to the Science Department,

    The Terra Nova High School Science Department offers a rigorous and high quality science program that provides all students with the necessary knowledge and skills to make them well informed and productive citizens who are technologically and scientifically literate, and college and career ready. With the State’s adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards, the Science Department is collaborating with the other schools in the district in preparing to transition to NGSS. We are beginning to incorporate more Science and Engineering practices in our courses and shifting the focus of the science program from too much emphasis on content to a deeper understanding of key cross cutting concepts and how these concepts work in daily life. Our science courses include Introduction to Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physiology, AP Environmental Science, and AP Chemistry.

    Marlene Gutierrez

    Science Department Chair, NGSS District Coordinator

    AP Environmental Science; AP Chemistry; Chemistry

    Asian Club Advisor 


    Ray Mullen

    Biology; Health 


    Anthony Ngo



    Charlotte Schroeder
