Psychological Counseling 

    Participation in any of the following: individual, family, or group therapy; drug & alcohol counseling

    Karla Talkoff, School/Wellness Counselor

    Yvette Yambao, Social Social Worker

    Keonna Lopez, Wellness Graduate Intern

    Work Experience Program

    Students must obtain a job after school ends daily and average 15-20 hours per week.
    Students will :
    - complete a weekly log sheet of hours, 
    - obtain a work permit, 
    - have his/her employer fill out an evaluation sheet 
    - complete assigned book work by Ms. Talkoff.

    Duration-entire semester-10 elective credits

    Community Service

    - Students must complete at least 75 hours of community service to earn 10 elective credits
    - Students must get their volunteer location approved by Ms. Talkoff
    - Students must complete log sheet (aka "The Yellow Sheet") and evaluation of Community Service experience

    For questions related to Elective Credits Options, see Ms. Talkoff for more information.

    Counseling Department
    School/Wellness Counselor 
    Karla Talkoff
    Phone Number: 650-550-7856
    E-mail Addressktalkoff@jeffersonunion.net  
    Wellness Counselor II/School Social Worker
    Yvette Yambao
    Phone Number: 650-550-7845
    E-mail Addressyyambao@jeffersonunion.net