Westmoor High School
A California Distinguished School
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Time: Every Thursday after school 3:15 PM - 5:00 PM Location: Room 206
"As long as you're having
fun, that's the key.""Welcome to Westmoor's Anime Club!"
We meet every Thursday in room 206 after school.
It's our goal to spread knowledge about the Otaku aspect of Japanese culture. Club activities generally consist of holding anime-related discussions or screenings, participating in IFD (International Food Day), hosting our annual Sakura Fest in our school cafeteria, and attending local anime conventions (Fanime, Anime On Display, and much more). For any questions about the group feel free to ask any of our admins.
If you missed any meetings, then go here:
President Leader of the club! Makes sure everything is on task and supervises members and activities to maintain a safe, hard-working, fun, and happy atmosphere.
Vice-President Second in charge! Substitutes when the president isn't present. In charge of keeping the room orderly when the president is speaking.
Secretary Our recorder of the club; logs all Anime Club's meetings in the notebook that include our agendas and what was spoken about on that day.
Treasurer In charge of anything money-related! Fundraisers, selling sweatshirts, or any other kinds of goodies. Money guy who keeps track of our funds!
Event Coordinator Plans any activities including our annual Sakura Festival, outings, and trips to other places! They're the people to fill out the nitty gritty details of any events from out club.
Event Coordinator Plans any activities including our annual Sakura Festival, outings, and trips to other places! They're the people to fill out the nitty gritty details of any events from out club.
Tech. Master Makes sure to have access to our social media and updating the club via the internet on what they need to know. Also in charge of anything involving the computer, TV's--electronic related basically!