Westmoor High School
A California Distinguished School
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Westmoor Service Commission The Service Commissioners, or Greenhats, are a group of studentsthat strive to keep the peace at Westmoor High. The Greenhats work to maintain the safety and security of the Westmoor students. They also participate in school sanctioned events and roam the school in a rotational fashion in order to completely keep an open surveillance on the school. The founder of the Westmoor Service Commissioners is Donald Delbon.
The Westmoor Service Commission was created in 1992 after a tragic gang incident. At the time when Westmoor was wrought with gangs, a student was shot and killed by a member of a rival gang. Soon, children began to leave Westmoor and the halls started to fill with trash. Mr Donald Delbon soon created the Westmoor Service Commission, being inspired by a similar organization at Aragon High School to help keep the school a clean, organized,and safe place. Their job soon became the eyes and ears of the school, as well as picking up garbage and ensuring the campus is safe. The position of a Service Commissioner soon became well respected, including athletes, thespians, and academic students amongst its ranks. To this day, the Westmoor Service Commission is still led by Mr.Delbon, who vows to continue to run the Greenhats for as long as he is able to.
• Service Commissioners are divided into 5 squads of 11-13 members
• Both squad leader and assistant squad leader are required to be Greenhats in their Junior year
• There is a president and 2 vice presidents (who have to be in the Service Commission for both years.)
• Each squad has a squad leader/assistant squad leader
• Students can join Greenhats in their Junior and Senior year
Greenhat duties include but are not limited to:
• picking up trash and stopping fights
• keeping the school safe and running well
• showing people where to go if they are lost
• help at staff and school events
• give tours at open house and other events
• patrol during lunch
• doing everything they can to make the school better, safe, etc.