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  • Westmoor's Music Leadership

    Westmoor Music Leadership

    Music Notes Banner

    What is Music Leadership?

    The WHS Music Leadership Council manages and organizes all events, activities, and procedures of the Band and Chorus, creates a fun and memorable experience for all WHS Music students. This club is led by student elected officers who develop leadership skills, social skills, and responsibility. Near the end of every school year, students may run for a position in office. Every position holds up certain expectations of the club, as well as handle tasks specific to their position. The Music Leadership Department is held to set a fun, social environment while completing necessary tasks.

    Music Leadership organizes the three main concerts each year: the Movie Night Concert, Winter Concert, and Spring Concert. In addition to those concerts, Music Leadership also organizes fundraising activities and other schoolwide events. Every year, Music Leadership hosts a cookie dough fundraiser to raise money for the department's needs, such as new instruments and music sheets. They plan the biannual Anaheim Heritage Festival, where both the band and chorus compete in. Music Leadership has brought in a new tradition: Westmoor's Got Talent, which started in 2014 and is now a traditional event.



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