• Westmoor High School English Department

    English Department

    Teachers Contact Information Courses taught by teacher Classroom
    Brock, Isaac Ibrock@jeffersonunion.net AP Lit 12, ERWC  
    Chen, Richard richard.chen@jeffersonunion.net English 9, AP Lang 11, English 10  
    Collins, Loraine lcollins@jeffersonunion.net Coordinator/TOSA, ELD 2, ELA 2  
    Finnerty, Kevin  kfinnerty@jeffersonunion.net English 10, Film as Literature  
    Magness, Bryan bmagne@jeffersonunion.net English 11, English 10  
    Morton, Nathaniel nmorton@jeffersonunion.net English 10, AP Language 12, ALD 2  
    Ogilvie, Helen  Hogilv@jeffersonunion.net English 9, English 9 Enrinched  
    Tagliafico, Paige ptagliafico@jeffersonunion.net English 11, English 9  
    Perez, Miguel mperez@jeffersonunion.net ELA 3, ELD 3, English 10, ELA 3 CP  
    Tolfa, Nick ntolfa@jeffersonunion.net ERWC, ELD 3, ELA 3  
    Truong-Vargas, Joal jvargas@jeffersonunion.net English 11, AP English Language 11, Peer  
    Urquico, Maria Elena murquico@jeffersonunion.net English 9, ELD 3, ELA 3  

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    English  Classes

    Graduation Requirement:  40 credits

    All English courses correlate to the California Language Arts Standards.  Grades 9-11 follow the JUHSD ELA Scope and Sequence curriculum guides.

     English 9 Course is UC/CSU-b approved

    The ninth-grade curriculum focuses on various types of literature and composition, as well as a range of language and thinking skills. Students read Romeo and Juliet, The House on Mango Street, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, short stories, poetry, and nonfiction prose. Additional novels or plays may be included. Learning is focused on analysis of structure, content, and purpose in narrative and expository text. Writing instruction focuses on creating clear thesis statements and strong, well-organized support. The language skills focus is on vocabulary and word analysis, grammar, and sentence structure.

     English 9 Enriched Course is UC/CSU-b approved

    The main goals of this class are to strengthen literacy skills and to encourage critical thinking.  Students carefully read and analyze a variety of literary works including Romeo and Juliet, Black Boy, Of Mice and Men, A Raisin in the Sun, and a wide range of poetry. In addition, students will examine and evaluate expository texts such as essays and editorials.  Writing assignments focus on developing thesis statements, citing evidence, and creating clear and cohesive arguments. The course prepares students for higher level Enriched and Advanced Placement classes.

    English 10     Course is UC/CSU-b approved

    This tenth-grade level class includes formal studies in essay proficiency, grammar, vocabulary development, and word analysis. Literary elements include critical thinking instruction. Students read novels such as Lord of the Flies and Catcher in the Rye as well as a  Shakespearean play.  In addition, students read a variety of shorter works with an emphasis on world literature.

     English 10 Enriched    Course is UC/CSU-b approved

    The primary focus of this course is on reading comprehension, literary analysis, vocabulary development, grammar.  A rigorous and intensive study, exploration and comparison of various literary genres (prose, poetry and drama), will develop the thinking, writing and presentation skills that are necessary for success in college and the workplace, as well as preparation for the AP English courses.

     English 11           Course is UC/CSU-b approved

    Curriculum involves the study of American Literature including a unit on a core Shakespearean play (Julius Caesar or Othello). Students will read works such as: The Crucible, The Things They Carried, The Great Gatsby as well as a variety of non-fiction texts. In addition to thematic units and literary analysis, other lessons will focus on rhetoric and aspects of meaningful argumentative writing.  Students will write formal expository essays, argumentative essays, poetry and engage in group presentations.


     AP English Language & Composition Grade Level: 11th Course is UC/CSU-b approved

    A college level course in the high school setting, curriculum is rigorous, fast-paced and demanding. Lessons and assignments involve close examination of literary terms and elements. Extensive writing is required with a strong emphasis on essay writing including rhetoric and arguments. Preparation leads to the Language & Composition Advanced Placement exam in May of the school year.

    Prerequisites: “A” or “B” in English 10, teacher recommendation and entrance exam

     ERWC      Grade Level: 12th     Course is UC/CSU-b approved

    The CSU Expository Reading and Writing Course helps students develop the reading, writing, critical thinking, and study skills they will need to thrive both during their first-year college English classes and in their future careers. Students explore a series of thematic units in which they learn to analyze and respond to both fiction and nonfiction texts, continuously reflecting on how to transfer and refine their skills both in and out of the classroom. ​

     Film as Literature    Grade Level:  12 Course is UC/CSU-b approved

    This course presents film as a distinctive art form with its own history, social relevance and storytelling techniques. Lessons and writing assignments will focus on film genres, film aesthetics, literature analysis, and critical thinking skill development.

    Prerequisites: “C” in previous English classes


    AP English Literature & Composition   Grade Level: 12th  Course is UC/CSU-b approved

    A college level course in the high school setting, curriculum is rigorous and fast-paced, as students engage in the intensive study of English concepts. Possessing critical analysis skills, knowledge of literary elements, and exemplary writing skills are essential to success. Lessons and assignments lead to the Literature and Composition Advanced Placement Exam in May of the school year.

    Prerequisites: “A” or “B” in English 11, entrance exam  and teacher recommendation


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