• Here are some of the Interims we've offered :

    80's JH Film Fest
    Adventure at the Zoo
    African Dance and Martial Arts: Capoeira A Cultural Experience
    Amazing Race
    American Archeology of the Southwest 
    American Sign-Language 
    Architectural History, Design, and Styles 
    Art in the Bay Area 
    Artist Studio 
    Artist Studio (Mural Painting) 
    Artists' Studio (Fine and Low-Brow Art D'Elegance)
    A Week of GLEE
    Awesome Art
    Backpacking for Beginners
    Baking Goodies
    BAM, Inc.
    Barcelona, Paris & London 
    Bay Area Museums
    Biking in the Bay Area 
    Cake Decorating
    Camping in the Marin Headlands
    Cemetery Investigation 
    Community Television Production 
    Computer Art (Digital Imaging)
    Cooking of the World
    Creative Video Production
    Cultural Insights Through World Cinema
    Cultures of San Francisco, The 
    Dance:  “Get Me Bodied” 
    Design and Build a Climbing Wall 
    Dijeridoo Workshop 
    Driver Education 
    Electronic Circuits
    Embroidery Beginners 
    Engineering – Robotics 
    Environ Ed & Exploration 
    Escape from Alcatraz
    Escape Room 
    Ethnic Studies
    Experiencing San Francisco 
    Exploring Japan
    Exploring San Francisco 
    Exploring San Francisco (Historical and Tourist Attractions) 
    Exploring SF Food
    Fabric Arts
    Fast Track Career Counseling
    Festival of Film, Food and Fun 
    Field Trip Spanish
    Fiesta of Film, Food, and Fun
    Filipino American Studies
    Film Analysis 
    Film Analysis “The 80’s”
    Film Noir – A Window Into the Darkness 
    Football – History of Touch Football 
    French Language and Culture
    Fundamental Roles in Basketball
    Games of Strategy
    Geometry in Art and Nature
    Getting to Know the REAL Bay Area
    Grassroots Organizing
    Go Fly a Kite
    Habitat for Humanity
    Harry Potter
    Hiking and Camping in Big Basin State Park
    Hiking and Camping in the Pinnacles
    Hiking, Biking and the Beach
    Hiking, Biking Exploration
    Hiking, the Beach, and Being Active
    Hip Hop Music of the 80s and Early 90s
    Hoops & Strength Training
    Horror Films
    How Do You Picture the Story of San Francisco?
    Intro to Botany 
    Introduction to French Language, Culture, and Cinema 
    Introduction to Kayaking 
    Introduction to Self Defense and Tae Kwon Do
    Jewelry and Crafts
    Job Shadowing - Career Education 
    Kite Technology and Geometry 
    Labyrinths and Mazes 
    Learning to Swim 
    Life on a Farm 
    Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous 
    London, Paris, and Rome - Interim to Europe 
    Los Angeles Highlights 
    Making an Album
    Making & Urban Homesteading 
    Media Literacy
    Mexican Folk Art
    Model Airplane Building & Flying
    Music Through the Decades: A Bay Area Perspective
    Musical Theater 
    Native American Archeology of the Southwest 
    Native American Studies
    Nature, Fitness and Sports Challenge 
    Outdoor Education
    Outdoors Adventure 
    Paris by the Bay 
    Paris to the Mediterranean
    Photographing San Francisco 
    Photography, Darkroom, and Scrapbooking
    Pie Ranch
    Playing the Guitar
    Powerful Youth
    Print Making 
    Protactics: Building Prosocial Behavior 
    PSA (Public Service Announcement) Writing and Production 
    Public Art & Studio Art 
    Public Art in San Francisco and Pacifica 
    Putting on a Play 
    Quick and Dirty Web Publishing
    Rafting on the American River
    Relax, Restore, Reset 
    Romantic Europe
    San Francisco Tourist (A Compare and Contrast) 
    Saw It On Pinterest
    Science Museums 
    Science Museums of the Bay Area 
    Science of Food
    Screen Writing and Movie Making 
    Secrets of the Rain Forest and other Biotech Lab Work
    Shall We Dance?
    Silk Screening
    Skateboard Nerdery
    Sojourn to the Past 
    Space: History, Mystery, and Reality
    Sports, Having Fun, and Being Active
    Street Art: Murals of Los Angeles de California 
    Stress Reduction 
    Surfing/Watersports/Water Safety
    Survival of the Fittest
    Swimming, Diving, and Water Games
    Think Fast 
    Three Capitals: Rome, Paris, London
    Touch Football
    Triathlon Training & Water Sports 
    Up and About in London and Paris 
    Urban Hiking 
    Urban Issues and Social Change 
    Visiting Bay Area Colleges 
    Visiting Places in the Bay Area 
    Washington DC
    Web Animation with Adobe Flash 
    Week at the Beach
    Week of Wellness
    Weight Training 
    Weight Training and Nutrition 
    Weight Training/Bigger Faster Stronger
    Women’s Studies
    World of Cooking – Asia
    World of Cooking 
    Yin and Yang Workout
    Yoga and Meditation