Professional Development Request

  • Guidelines

    1. Submit the PD Request Form.
    2. The Curriculum & Instruction Division will approve/deny the request.
      • If approved, the request will be routed to the school account clerk or District Staff to help with registration and/or accommodation.
      • If denied at the District level, the form may be routed to the Principal for potential approval using site funds

Expense Voucher Form


    The following items are reimbursable while on school business, attending conferences and workshops or while visiting other districts when approved. All reimbursement amounts shall be limited to the total amount budgeted for travel expenses for each school or department.

    TYPES OF MEETINGS: Conference/Workshop or Business
    BUSINESS: A business meeting is one required for the purpose of providing or receiving information relevant to district business or for the purpose of completing a district obligation or project. A copy of the meeting notice or agenda must be submitted with the Travel Request in lieu of brochure.

    NOTE: Three questions to consider when requesting travel:
    1. Does it support services to the students?
    2. Does it support the site/department/district goals?
    3. Can it be justified in the media the next day?

    REGISTRATION: Necessary registration fees will be paid. Attach conference agenda, announcement or other supporting document relative to trip.

    MEALS AND LODGING: Original receipts are required. Itemized receipts for meals are required. Include colleague names on receipt if paying for their meal(s). Folios will be required for reimbursement of all hotel/motel expenses.

    MEALS:  Original detailed meal receipts must show all items purchased, a summary not acceptable.  Alcoholic beverages are not allowed and may not appear on submitted receipts.  Gratuity will be reimbursed at rate of up to 20%.  If lunch is included w/conference, only breakfast & dinner can be claimed each day.  If a meal is for 2 or more guests, indicate the name(s) of the other authorized guest(s).  Refer to for max per person 24 hour period rates in the area you are traveling to (including tip).  For 1-day conferences, only lunch is allowed and cannot exceed (refer to including tip.

    LODGING:  Folios are required for reimbursement of all hotel/motel expenses.  Lodging should be booked with the vendor noted in the conference information.  The maximum amount for lodging should not exceed over 150% of the per diem lodging rate established by the IRS (refer to for daily rates per city/town). If the conference vendor has no availability, or the daily lodging rate will exceed the limit, please contact Ed. Services prior to booking. 


    A. Transportation will be approved to provide reimbursement at the lowest possible overall cost based upon location, number of persons traveling, time constraints, and convenience. Claims for mileage reimbursement are not to exceed the district’s schedule which is $ 0.70 per mile.

    B. Necessary and required air transportation shall be at coach fare or lower with at least a 21-day advance purchase and no extra charges for early check-in or extra baggage. TICKET VOUCHER OR RECEIPTS ARE REQUIRED.

    C. Taxicab, bus fare, rail fare or parking may be claimed. RECEIPTS ARE REQUIRED. No receipts are required for bridge tolls. Use of rental car must be authorized at the time of travel request approval.

    D. Mileage when using personal vehicle to attend conference: Documentation must be provided using start and end addresses, and deducting normal commute to work when traveling on a normal work day.

    MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: Telephone or fax charges are allowable for the purpose of conducting district business. RECEIPTS ARE REQUIRED.

    CLAIM FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL EXPENSE: A Travel Reimbursement Request must be submitted following the meeting/conference to claim reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses.
    Expense Voucher Form (effective January 1, 2024)