Meeting Dates

  • The Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is composed of a group of parents,
    educators, administrators, and community members focused on building relationships to support
    students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) in the Jefferson Union High School District to
    ensure that all stakeholders are heard.


    It is the purpose of SEPAC to develop a positive and knowledgeable partnership between the
    parents and caregivers of children with exceptional needs, and the professionals who serve them,
    by providing resources through support, training and community awareness programs.

    • To empower a team of parents, teachers and staff to work cohesively for a better
      education of our children with exceptional needs by providing resources through
      support, training and community awareness programs.
    • To develop communication channels between individuals with exceptional needs and/or
      their parents or guardians, school district administrators, and professional staff

    The SEPAC continues to recruit members for the 2022-2023 school year. If you are
    interested in representing your school, please contact:

    Grace Ventura, Director of Special Education, (650) 550-7973

    If you would like to speak with a parent representative, please email Joyce Cabrera,