• Work Place Injury and Illness


    Reporting a Claim/Injury

    When an injury/illness to an employee occurs while working, the injured employee has the right to file a workers’ compensation claim. The employee’s supervisor or Site Administrative Assistant must be notified IMMEDIATELY no matter how slight the injury may be. Any delay in reporting a work related injury/illness, by either the employee or the employee’s supervisor, can impact the progress of the claim or medical treatment.


    What to Do In the Event of a Work Place Injury or Illness


    Types of Work Related Injuries/Illnesses

    1. Life Threatening/Serious Injuries (e.g. excessive bleeding, broken bones, chest pain, unconsciousness):

    • Call 911 or go to the nearest ER. The employee’s work site must notify Human Resources immediately when a work incident requires transport by ambulance, ER visit or hospital admittance.

    2. Minor Injuries/Illnesses (e.g. minor bumps, scrapes):

    • These minor incidents do not impact an employee’s ability to continue working and require no medical treatment or care. 

    3. Injuries/Illnesses Beyond First Aid (e.g. back injuries, knee strains, exposure to hazardous substances):

    • The employee will be referred to a designated occupational medical facility for non-emergency medical care.


    Returning to Work

    The medical provider treating the employee’s work related injury/illness will issue the employee a Work Status Report after every visit. It is the employee’s responsibility to provide a copy of this report to the HR Department after each appointment. An employee cannot return to work unless they have been authorized to do so by either their supervisor or the HR Department.

    If the treating physician releases an employee back to work with restrictions, the HR Department, along with employee’s supervisor, will determine whether or not an employee’s work restrictions can be accommodated and/or if a transitional or modified work assignment is available. The injured employee must remain off work until a decision has been made and the employee has been notified.



    Should you have any questions concerning the necessary forms or procedures, please contact Rajiv Kumar in the Human Resources Department at rkumar@jeffersonunion.net or 650-550-7913.