Dashboard Results

Local Indicators


  • California has a new accountability system reported through the California School Dashboard (referred to as the "Dashboard" from this point forward). This new accountability system reports on multiple measures. The Dashboard replaces the former Academic Performance Index (API), which was based on testing results only, and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).

  • Purpose of the New Accountability System

    The purpose of California's new accountability system is to report on district and school performance based on the state priorities. The state priorities define a quality education more broadly than a single test score. The new system reflects a clear expectation that all districts and schools can and should improve. Also, the new system focuses on closing the performance differences among student groups (e.g., race/ethnicity, socioeconomically disadvantaged, English learners [ELs]) performance.

    Districts are held accountable for all of the state priority areas, while schools and student groups are held accountable for five of the state priority areas. For accountability purposes, districts include county offices of education (COEs), school districts, and charter schools. Charter school data are not included in their authorizing district's Dashboard report.

    The State Board of Education (SBE) have adopted measures, known as indicators, to determine the improvement of districts, schools, and students groups. Table 1 lists each priority area and its corresponding state and/or local indicator.

    Table 1: The State and Local Indicators for Each Local Control Funding Formula Priority Area
    Local Control Funding Formula Priority Area
    State Indicators
    Local Indicators
    Basic Services and Conditions at schools (Priority 1) N/A Access to textbook, adequate facilities, and appropriately assigned teachers
    Implementation of State Academic Standards (Priority 2) N/A Annual report on progress in implementing the standards for all content areas

    Parent  Engagement (Priority 3)

    N/A Annual report on progress toward: (1) seeking input from parents/guardians in decision making; and (2) promoting parental participation in programs
    Student Achievement (Priority 4) Academic Indicator N/A
    Student Achievement (Priority 4) English Learner Progress Indicator N/A
    Student Engagement (Priority 5) Graduation Rate Indicator N/A
    Student Engagement (Priority 5) Chronic Absenteeism Indicator (not available until Fall 2018) N/A
    School Climate (Priority 6) Suspension Rate Indicator Administer a Local Climate Survey every other year
    Access to a Broad Course of Study (Priority 7) N/A College/Career Indicator (Status Only) for the initial release
    Outcomes in a Broad Course of Study (Priority 8) N/A College/Career Indicator (Status Only) for the initial release