• Polynesian Club

    Polynesian Club

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    Club Activities


    Island Fiesta

    Every year, joint with Filipino Barkada, we host Island Fiesta around the time of March. We work extensively to bring out the best possible show we can for our audience. Island Fiesta showcases the talents of many as we come together to celebrate pacific island culture. Polynesian Club has the chance to perform Tahitian Dances with extravagant costumes that will leave the crowd breathless. We practice 3 times a week for 2 hours to get ready to share a culture not of our own and bring it to life, showing others what we're doing and that we have fun doing it. We are very proud to bring Tahitian culture to Westmoor!



    What Westmoor student doesn't love rally? Westmoor's rallies have always been some of, if not the best, in the entire school district. Now that is not only because of the great events, but amazing student atmosphere. And within those great events, every so often Poly Club gets the chance to get some of our members to showcase a dance, straight Polynesian Culture, in front of hundreds of rams in attendance! Now that is an amazing honor for sure! Ask any former or current member, being able to dance in center court, with hundreds of your fellow students cheering you on, topped with a loud applause, is a feeling you will certainly never forget.